The Kilroot site currently benefits from a range of ecological habitats and has significant potential to give back to nature. A proposed biodiversity area, adjacent the foreshore, would further enhance the biodiversity of the site and create a unique rewilding opportunity on the shores of Belfast Lough.
With the switch from coal to gas generation on site, the current ash lagoon can be repurposed, and the intention is to work in collaboration with wildlife and marine organisations to realise this aspiration. Development of this biodiversity area may include infill planting of existing areas, new planting of native trees, shrubs and grassland, and will assist and add to native flora and fauna on site.
Importantly, it can be designed as a rewilding project for nature conservation and protected from any public access which might impact on the success of the rewilding effort. Viewing facilities would allow visitors to the site to learn more about this thriving and natural marine, coastal ecosystem. The biodiversity area would provide a benefit to established wildlife habitats as well as providing new habitats.
Contact UsWith the potential for up to £600m of investment in a range of technologies and electricity generation solutions, it aims to be one of the most important milestones in the decarbonisation of our electricity generation system.