Site traffic information and cookies

Where your selected browser setting permits, when you visit this site and other EPH Group sites, persistent cookies (and their functional equivalents, such as web beacons) are placed onto your computer. These log data about your visit to EPH Group websites based on your device's IP address.

For further information about cookies, visit

This website uses persistent cookies, which:

1. Collect information about how visitors use it, allowing us to enhance the performance of our websites by analysing such information (e.g., to maintain a consistent look and feel for the visitor) and

2. increase the website’s functionality and make it more personal to you by allowing us to remember your previous choices (e.g., your location and preferred font type and size) and to provide any enhanced features detailed in the cookie-specific user notice.

These cookies expire two years after your last visit. The information they collect is not used to send you targeted advertising, identify who you are or remember where you’ve been on the internet (with the exception of logging visits to other EPH Group company sites). You agree that your attention was drawn specifically to this section of our privacy statement and to any explicit privacy notice given to you and that you consent to our use of these cookies for these purposes.

To delete or stop cookies being placed on your computer, refer to the help menu on your internet browser. In a few cases, blocking cookies may reduce the functionality of some websites or prevent access to them altogether.