EP Kilroot Limited has marked the closure of the coal units on 30 September 2023 at Kilroot Power Station by thanking the many people who have played a part in supporting the operation of the hugely significant electricity generating facility since 1981.

The transition from coal to lower carbon gas generation is already well underway following significant investment from EPK as part of the ‘Kilroot Energy Park’ concept.

EPUKI CEO, Tom Bains commented:

‘’First and foremost, I would like to pay tribute to the many colleagues and contractors who have worked diligently over the years to ensure the safe and effective operation of the Kilroot Power Station. On behalf of EP Kilroot Ltd, I want to place on record my sincere thanks to everyone for the vital role they have played.’’

‘’While EPUKI acquired the site in 2019, Kilroot Power Station was first commissioned in 1981 and for many years the coal fired units have provided a hugely strategic and important source of electricity for homes and businesses across Northern Ireland.’'

“Following extensive engagement with regulatory authorities, EP Kilroot Ltd served a 3-year closure notice to SONI Ltd in September 2020, confirming our intention to close the coal fired electricity generation units, from 30thSeptember 2023. We have worked closely with our staff and with Unions throughout that time to manage the closure process.’’

“Our focus also remains on progressing the transition from coal to new lower carbon gas generation on the site. We are continuing to work at pace on the construction of the Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) units and EPUKI remains committed to investing over £1billion in the Kilroot Energy Park site, building on the £250 million which has been invested to date.’’

“Our plans for Kilroot represent the largest private sector investment in electricity generation on a single site, in Northern Ireland. EPK will ensure Kilroot remains an important source of local employment in East Antrim, keeping electricity generation as a key cornerstone of the local economy.’’

Kilroot power station


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